Longenbaugh Veterinary Hospital P.C.

15703 Longenbaugh, Ste. F
Houston, TX 77095



Holiday Safety (click for list of poisonous Christmas plants)

2024 Holiday Hours

Thanksgiving-Closed November 28th and 29th

Christmas Eve -7am to 12pm

Christmas - Closed December 25th

Open December 26th 12pm to 6pm

New Year's Eve - 7am to 2pm

New Years - Closed January 1st 

Open January 2nd 12am to 6pm


We hope the following information will help keep your pet safe during the holidays.

Henry loved parties, but some pets get very nervous with extra noise and people around.  If your pet is not a party animal, make sure you have a quiet place for your pet to relax away from the party.  Call us for more information about anxiety and stress concerns.

Holiday food! The Keadle crew loves it all.  Cookies, cakes, turkey, dressing, and yes even the containers the food comes in.  Sometimes they eat a gift.  Our Christmas tradition has unfortunately become x-raying one of the dogs to see what he ate that is making him sick.  Please do not let this become your family tradition.  The food smells so good that we have to go the extra mile to keep it out of their reach.   If you have an animal emergency, please call the Animal ER of Northwest Houston at 281-304-0039.  Located at 27104 HYW 290 West, suite 107 Cypress, Texas 77429.  info@animalERnwh.com.  The pet poison hotline number is

  • 1-866-731-0172
  • 1-888-426-4435

    Decorations!  Another Keadle crew favorite. I can't count the times the tree has fallen over.  The top of our tree usually has a cat on it, knocking off ornaments in the hopes that they will hit the dogs waiting below.  The dogs chew up the ornaments while waiting for the cat to fall.  The point is that the most innocent glittery decorations, electrical cords, poinsettias(poisonous), and rich foods can be dangerous to a curious pet. Please be careful and have a safe and wonderful holiday season!